Princess Maker 
Legend of Another World


As in Princess Maker one and two, there is a festival you can attend every October and participate in different competitions.

The Judge

No requirements, but you should try to raise HP and Mana, and go take Military classes. The best weapons and armor will greatly help, also.


You need to have taken enough art classes so that you've painted a picture.  You can enter it in the contest.  The more paintings you've done, the higher your chances of winning, for your most recent and greatest picture is the one that will be entered.


Must have a fancy outfit to wear.
Having the prettiest and most expensive/rarest dresses will help you win the competition, but also work at jobs tha raise elegance, and take Dance lessons.

No requirements, but try to work at the Chef's, for I think it helps with raising your skill.  I work at the farm a lot, though, because she stinks at anything else, and she always wins the Grand Prize, so maybe that helps...